Project Feedback

Professor Conferences

Two or three times this semester you and I will meet in my office (Bachelor Hall 376), in the Howe Writing Center, or elsewhere on campus TBD, for a 20-minute conference on your current project. Your conference with me will be held in lieu of class, so missing your scheduled conference = missing class.

Peer Conferences

As a writer you will want to seek feedback from many different readers. You’ll work in project teams of 3 or 4 all semester to talk through your ideas and get feedback as you progress on your progress. (You’ll do each of your 3 major projects individually in terms of the actual composition.)

I also encourage you to visit the Howe Writing Center here at Miami to get feedback on your work. The writing consultants are experienced writers and fellow students who have taken a semester-long course to prepare them to work with peer writers. They’re ready and able to talk with you about your writing and digital compositions at any stage in the process and for any course you are taking. You can make an appointment online at whichever of the five locations across campus is most convenient for you. I encourage you to visit their web site for more information:

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